Regal Fabric Care is proud to announce a new member to our team. Thomas Johnson, originally from Chicago, joined us this past December. In his short time here Thomas has already become an integral part of Regal Fabric Care. Already exceeding our expectations with his ability to interact with clients, he is rapidly advancing in the technical operations as well. To date, Thomas has proved his basic proficiency in carpet cleaning, Oriental rug washing and upholstery cleaning. Odor control and drapery care I’m sure will be next. Thomas will also be working towards Regal’s designation of Corporate Evaluation Specialist-taking the lead in developing maintenance proposals for contract cleaning of flooring, upholstered partition panels, executive leather upholstery and fabric-covered window treatments.
Thomas comes to Regal with varied interests, including skill in creating hand woven satchels with all parts derived from renewable sources, a hobby of folk guitar jamming and hiking. He had this to say:
I’m excited to be working with Regal Fabric Care. In one month I’ve learned a great deal about textiles and fiber science. The emphasis on customer satisfaction and Regal’s commitment to excellence stood out to me when I applied, so I’m very happy to have the chance to be a part of this team. Working with Pete, Dave and Jim is also a lot of FUN!

If you have questions about corporate maintenance of any of your soft furnishings please give Thomas a call at 781-995-0683 or you can email him at: Don’t forget to become a Facebook Fan of Regal Fabric Care-We’ll keep you informed! (see link below)
” a Clean, Healthy Home (& office)…GUARANTEED!”

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