More great reasons why wool carpet and rugs are a great choice for your home and office.
Wool carpet is a naturally soft and springy surface to play on and will keep your baby safe and healthy. Wool is naturally hygienic for babies to crawl and play on because wool’s outer layer makes it difficult for microbes to rest and multiply. Wool also traps bacteria and allergens, keeping them within the carpet pile and out of the air that your baby is breathing. Falls are the most common cause of non-fatal injuries for under 5-year-olds. The natural texture of wool provides extra grip so that toddlers are less likely to stumble and fall. And if they do, the soft wool will cushion their fall, which can prevent serious injury and give them the confidence and security to get up and try again.
What’s Your Wool Story-Shirley Wants to Know! or 781-995-0683
“A Clean, Healthy Home (& office)…GUARANTEED!”