We have many clients who contact us to have their flooring maintained. We clean carpets in office buildings almost daily-But did you know that what’s above the floor should also be addressed? Office drapery, fabric blinds, cloth partitions and especially office chairs all can be cleaned.

Oriental rugs, leather upholstery & Drapery need cleaning too!
Oriental rugs should of course be cleaned off location in a place like our rug cleaning plant. However, on site drapery cleaning is very effective and can add years to their usable life. Leather and fabric upholstery should never be allowed to accumulate so much soil that aggressive cleaning is required. Delicate fibers can bind with soils and result in permenent “stains” with enough time.
Fabric covered partitions collect some of the most difficult to remove soils that we come across.
Coffee & Soda Spills
Laser printer Ink
Shoe Polish
Food Spills-catsup, mustard etc
Embedded Dust & Dirt
Removing these spots and spills quickly not only increases the likely hood of complete removal but will eliminate the accompanying odors that exist. Another, and very important benefit of proper cleaning is a cleaner, healthier workplace. Removing the particulate matter from an office environment will improve an employee’s sense of cleanliness and also aids in keeping the airborne particles to a minimum.
Remember: We all like our work spaces to look clean-But there is more than the flooring to aware of-For a Cleaner, Healthier Environment maintaining all surfaces and office furniture is required.

Office Chairs-Fabric Needs Cleaning Too!
For more information on how to maintain a healthy work environment visit http://www.epa.gov/iaq/largebldgs/index.html …and don’t forget-We’re here to help. Of note: Where possible we use only EPA DfE-detergents, biodegradable, phosphate-free & VOC compliant-see more at http://www.epa.gov/dfe/pubs/projects/formulat/saferproductlabeling.htm
We appreciate your comments and questions
David Mavilio david.mavilio@regalclean.com