What Is Carpet Filtration Soiling

December 10, 2014

What Is Carpet Filtration Soiling


Dark Lines Around the Perimeter of a Carpeted Room


Carpet Filtration Soiling: In the Boston area we encounter these soil lines very often, usually because of our colder temperatures and the use of oil and natural gas to heat our homes. Carpet Filtration Soiling or just “filtration” can be very difficult or even impossible to remove if not addressed every 12-24 months by your professional carpet cleaning company. Between visits from your carpet cleaning company homeowners should vacuum the perimeter of each room using the crevice tool attached to their vacuum cleaner-making sure to completely remove as much impacted soils where the carpet meets the walls of each room.  

Dark Lines Around the Perimeter of a Carpeted Room

Our friends at World Wide Cleaning Industry Resources ( http://wwcir.com/ ) have provided this explanation of just what causes filtration soiling:

Filter soil has three components:

1. Atmospheric dust, which ranges from 0.1 to 300 microns in size. Large dust accumulation can be removed with vacuuming.

2. Microscopic particles, which are attracted to fibers by static electricity; or by van der Waal’s forces – a molecular attraction of sub-micron particles of soil, similar to pigment being attracted to fiber dye sites. Electrostatic attraction can be overcome with anionic detergents (foaming shampoos); however, molecular attraction may be impossible to overcome.

3. Oily vapors are generated by combustion engines or appliances; or they are made airborne in the form of animal and vegetable oils during cooking. These oils coat fibers and bind dusts and fine particles on fiber surfaces. They can be removed by adding dry solvents to cleaning solutions.

Once filter soiling accumulates in carpet yarns, and is held in place by oily vapors coating fibers or even molecular forces, it can be extremely difficult to remove. The longer the soiling remains, the more difficult removal will be, especially as greases oxidize (dry out) and become more difficult to emulsify with detergents. In fact, gases or vapors passing through carpet pile over time can cause discoloration.


Questions? We are here to help.

781-995-0683  helpdesk@regalfabriccare.com

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